You can’t change the truth, but the truth can change you.

You can’t change the truth, but the truth can change you.
Living with anybody isn’t always easy, especially when it comes to family. It is your own blood after all; the gloves come off, the fangs are bared, and the real personalities come to light. There’s no time for niceties and history is plagued with sibling feuds. A little patience goes a long way, and surviving […]
What if we could produce Chinese calligraphy, with a click of a mouse? Online Chinese calligraphy generators are important digital tools for both the enjoyment and practice of this time honored tradition. We’ve narrowed down the best chinese calligraphy font generators for everyone from beginners to experienced calligraphers. One of the best ways for a […]
Character meaning: Love, Calligraphy style: standard script 楷書 (楷书kǎishū) Send a message of love to the women in your lives in celebration of International Womens’ day. Available for purchase here
(Character meaning:乐 joy, happiness, Style: 楷書 (楷书 Standard Script)
2016 was full of surprises. New Year’s Resolution: Let it Go Character meaning from right to left: 捨得(舍得 Shěde)-Willing to part with, 放下 Fàngxià- Put down Style: Standard #楷書) A storied fable describes an older monk and a younger monk running into an elderly woman by a stream. As soon as she saw them, she […]
勇 Yǒng -Courage, strength, bravery Font: Standard script 楷書 (楷书kǎishū)In Chinese history, the legend of Huā Mùlán 花木蘭 (花木兰 ) from the Southern and Northern Dynasties (420-589) is heralded as a great story of courage. Mulan’s father was an aging retired […]
In Chinese calligraphy: 醉 Zuì, meaning drunk. As the year rolls to an end, we raise a glass to celebrate. Breaking down the 醉character, we see that “酉”represents alcohol (which is 酒 Jiǔ), and “卒” represents the end. Alcohol drunk until the end generally leads to a state of drunkenness. Single characters in Chinese often become […]