The Chinese have a term for cell phone users: Ditouzhu 低頭族(低头族), or the clan of those with lowered heads. It encompasses the young and the old, the mobile and the bedridden. Everyone with a cell phone attached.
Cell phone users are slowly catching on. On the popular show Shark Tank, 2 guys pitched the "NoPhone", which is literally a useless hunk of plastic that pretends to be a phone. It helps users wean themselves off the phone. I'm not sure what is more shocking, the fact that it costs $10 or the fact that it's an utterly junk piece of plastic. There are serious reviews on amazon for the product, and I can only chalk this up as the marquee gag gift of 2015.
Smartphones are ubiquitous, not likely to go away anytime soon. It's a tremendous amount of power held in our hands, to connect to almost anyone around the world. Sometimes having power requires knowing when not to use it.
Far from being a cell phone hating poem, today's poetry is a humorous look at every modern user of the phone.

Chinese calligraphy, cellphone poetry
English Translation
Touch touch touch
Swipe swipe swipe
From the oceans' corners to the edge of the earth
Going online From ancient history to now the search is on
Connect Strangers and close friends in group conversation
In such a tiny area/space
The world is nearly boundless
Virtual as real
All is under grasp
Fingertips to fingertips
Soul to Soul
Secrets to discovery
Lost or immersed
Enslavement or exploitation
Can’t leave for even a day
Truly a miraculous toy
Simplified Chinese
上网 古往今来穷追索
接通 远近亲疏大会话
Mō mō mō
huá huá huá
hǎi jiǎo dào tiānyá
shàngwǎng gǔwǎngjīnlái
qióng zhuī suǒ jiē tōng yuǎnjìn qīnshū dàhuì huà
kōngjiān héqí xiǎo
shìjiè wúxiàn dà
xūnǐ rú zhēnshí
wàn yǒu zài shǒuxià
zhǐ jiān yǔ zhǐ jiān
xīnlíng hé xīnlíng
mìmì hé xièmì
míshī huò chénjìn
núyì huò lìyòng
yī rì bùkě lí
guǒzhēn miào wánjù