Find the spirit of the brush! The soul of the brush reminds artists to use the brush with energy, offering calligraphy a life and spirit of its own. Character meaning : 筆魂 (笔魂 Bǐ hún) Pen/brush soul Style: Mix of Standard and running font 行楷

Find the spirit of the brush! The soul of the brush reminds artists to use the brush with energy, offering calligraphy a life and spirit of its own. Character meaning : 筆魂 (笔魂 Bǐ hún) Pen/brush soul Style: Mix of Standard and running font 行楷
Original Light Poetry in Chinese calligraphy 兒童詩 (儿童诗 Értóng shī) English TranslationThe winter sun covers his headToo lazy to speak lazy to moveHeaven ordered him to sleepNo need to be nosy, no need to stand outThe fine winter blanket is softBut scratches the nose until it itchesCan’t help but: Ha-cheww (sneeze)Thick clouds partHe peaks out […]